Lokheira Interview (Irene Mavroudis Ramaglino) – 04/2024

Side profile shot of Lokheira band members

California-based metal band Lokheira recently signed with WormHoleDeath records, and released their debut album “Dark of the Night” across major digitial platforms on February 23, 2024. We were granted the lucky opportunity to fire off some quick questions to lead singer Irene (Mavroudis) Ramaglino in order to find out more about this release and the band itself, as well as enquire about some of her interests. Read the full interview below:

Can you briefly describe your style of music?

Melodic groove metal, but we do play different types of metal for the most part, depending on the feel and theme of the song.

How did you come up with the name for the band?

We like different Mythologies, including Greek Mythology, and therefore I remembered reading the word “Lokheira” from the Homeric Hymn to Artemis, Goddess of The Hunt. Paired with Artemis’ bow Khryselakatos, “of the Golden Shaft,” Lokheira is the name of Artemis’ arrows, which the name translates to “Showered by Arrows”.

A lot of bands claim to be a family, but in your case it’s actually true right?

Yes, Rob and I are husband and wife, whereas George and I are siblings.

Can you tell us a bit about your latest album “Dark of the Night”?

The album is centered around the theme of the Seven Deadly Sins, each song telling a story centered around either the sin of Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony or Sloth. Each song is about real-world events, either personal or historical.

It looks like the three of you handled everything on this release, including the mixing and production. Is that correct?

Yes, Rob handled the mixing and mastering for the album and all three of us handled the production.

Do you have a favorite song on the album, and if so what makes it stand out for you?

Personally, Battle of The Hot Gates (Gluttony) always held a special spot in my heart as it is actually the very first song that I have recorded with my husband years ago and were excited to finally be able to release it. It’s about the war that occurred between the Persians and Spartans at Thermopylae.

Which bands or artists would you say have had the biggest impact on you?

Unleash The Archers, Evanescence, Theocracy, Orbit Culture, and Pink Floyd.

What music has got your attention at the moment? Any recent discoveries?

No recent discoveries, but mostly melodic and power metal is what I enjoy listening and singing to. Other than metal music, I listen/sing to Greek music, hard/classic rock, and music from my “Fallout” playlist, including Ella Fitzgerald, Peggy Lee, and Billie Holiday.

What is next for Lokheira? Are there any plans to take your music on the road?

We are currently working on another album, which we are really excited about, having to do with infamous people throughout history. Eventually, yes, we are looking for two more musicians to add to our line-up.

 Would you be interested in having a profile page on our website?

Yes, that would be awesome! I would be honored.

Picture of Lokheira band members sitting outside with band logo above

I grew up around a musical family and I am often told that I was born singing.

Irene Ramaglino

Can you explain your background a little. Is Lokheira your first time in a band?

I grew up around a musical family and I am often told that I was born singing. My first time performing/singing on stage was with my father’s band, Greek Compania, back when I was 8 years old. Other than Lokheira, I have been the lead female vocalist of Helios Greek Band since 2012.

It says in the press notes that the song “In The Dark of The Night” came from a dream you had. Can you elaborate on that? How do you normally get your ideas?

I woke up from a dream in the middle of the night, where the melody and idea of the song came from. I then wrote the lyrics to the song in the middle of the night and went over the music the next day with my husband, Rob, and his brother Josh, who is the featured guitar soloist on that. I told them that I wanted it in the style of power metal and from that stemmed the theme of the album.

Melodies will randomly pop up in my head from time to time and I will quickly record it on my phone to work on it with Rob and George later. Normally, one of us will come up with a melody or riff first and then the others are brought in to expand on the ideas.

We noticed you carry a recurve bow in much of the promo imagery. Do you practice archery as a hobby?

I’ve always had an interest in archery, but unfortunately, I can never find the time between work, music, and my growing family. I actually play as a Ranger class when I play Dungeons & Dragons and RPG’s. I am pictured with a bow in the band photoshoot to coincide with the meaning of our band name, “showered by Arrows,” as if I were using Artemis’ bow.

Normally, one of us will come up with a melody or riff first and then the others are brought in to expand on the ideas.

Irene Ramaglino

If you had the chance to collaborate with anyone in the music industry, who would it be?

I think it would be cool to collaborate/sing with Benjamin Burnley (Breaking Benjamin), Amy Lee (Evanescence), Brittney Slayes (Unleash the Archers), Tommy Vext, and anyone else who would want to collab! I’m always down to perform/sing, it’s my passion.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you so much for interviewing us! You can find us on Social Media platforms (Facebook, and Instagram) but also find our social media/music links here: https://linktr.ee/lokheira

Our CD is currently in production for “Dark of The Night,” while we are currently working on our new album – still brainstorming the best name for it. This next album will also feature different metal genres, and we are really excited for it.

Picture of Lokheira band sitting on some steps outside